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See also brain

we got a banana MRI from reddit (2014)

but is it the fruit? the florescence flower?
lets find out.

1. convert to png using ffmpeg

 ffmpeg -i banana.mp4 banana%05d.png 

but, we have a logo on the bottom, this will show artifact in the volumetric view. lets remove it while exporting.

mkdir mri
ffmpeg -i banana.mp4 -vf "drawbox=x=275:y=295:w=25:h=5:color=black:t=fill" mri\banana_%05d.png

2. load in MeVisLab

as we see, banana fruit this is not.

tasty banana flower curry recipe

link from Jana, which tried it and failed to overcome the bitterness. more research needed.

tamiwiki/projects/dicom.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/27 15:12 by yair