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Grid's fiber optics hardware notes


This is a small note I'm making to tell about my experience with media converters, fiber optic cables, etc.

Things you'll see here are quite affordable as I won't be able to test them otherwise; some of these details are applicable for home use. Some of these details aren't applicable whatsoever.


In no way do I claim competency in telecommunications, or anything else, for that matter. In fact, the tests I'm doing are (proudly) conducted on the armrest of a couch in a flat I'm renting.

Take the information I'm providing with a grain of salt; a can of paprika works as good as a grain of salt, if not more. What I'm trying to say is β€œdon't rely on this information for your final decisions; I'm doing my best to check the information, but would prefer to have the lack of responsibility”. Thank you.

You're welcome to add information, but please add it in a separate category here so I can check it from the couch.


Media converters

Power inputs in HTB-GS-03B and HTB-GS-20B are compatible: 5V DC barrel jack with anode (+) inside and cathode (-) outside (feels like a breath of fresh air).

Link Speed, Mbit/s Cable connector Fibers Store Vendor Distance, km Power input Power connector Tested
HTB-GS-03 1000 SC 1 Ciin Anonymous 3 5V DC barrel jack βœ…
πŸ”— 100 SC 1 Ciin Anonymous 25 5V DC barrel jack ❌
HTB-GS-20 100 when tested on 10m cable SC 1 SevenLayer netLINK 20 5V DC barrel jack βœ…
πŸ”— N/A, expected to have 1000 SC 1 SevenLayer netLINK 3 5V DC barrel jack ❌
(EW-310GS-20?) 10/100/1000 SC 2 Ewind up to 20km 5V DC barrel jack ❌
10G SFP+ Media Converter 1.25G - 10G depends on SFP module depends on SFP module Xicom N/A 5-12V DC barrel jack ❌
πŸ”— N/A replaceable (dual LC on the bundled SFP module) depends on the SFP module (2 on the bundled one) Feigee HTOC N/A 5V DC barrel jack ❌

The last two items, while untested, seem to be rather curious.

The Ewind adapter may be cool at home or office, providing significant communication speeds.

I'm not sure the Xicom adaptor reaches a gigabit on large enough distances, but it's worth testing. It's important to remember that physics interjects to cap the maximum distances:

TODO: add three more devices:

Rack-mount media converter chassis

Sometimes, i.e. on distances larger than a typical building, you can expect to need a multimode fiber to transfer the information quickly enough. While adding more media converters in the middle should be possible, inserting many individual repeaters would be harder than installing a multimode cable for a long time.

I expect the large distance issue can be solved using the switch and rack assemblies shown here; however, I haven't had a chance to test it.

Units Size, inch Slots PSU count Link
2U 19 inch 14 Slots 2
2U 14 1 or 2 TL-FC1400, TL-FC1420
2U 19 inch 14 Slots 2
2U 19 inch 16 Slots 2




Cable Length, meters Cores Tested Brand
SC-to-SC cable 10 1 βœ… Ampcom
SC-to-SC cable 30 1 βœ… Ampcom


Cable Length, meters Cores Tested Brand
Outdoor Fiber cable 5 4/6/8/12 ❌ Chuanglixin Networks Specialty



Connector Brand Count
SC/APC cold connector FASO
SC/APC SM Single-Mode Optical Connector SevenLayer
Fiber Optic Connector Adapter ONTi 50 - 400 Pcs


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SpeedTest output on 10m fiber cable

SpeedTest output on 30m fiber cable

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SpeedTest output on 10m fiber cable

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tamiwiki/users/6r1d/fiber_notes.1707345827.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2024/02/08 00:43 by 6r1d