[2023] We are back!
after loosing our old wiki to some digital storm
git for pcb https://github.com/telavivmakers/at-tami
start talking about v2 of the 1$ ATtami devboard (ATtiny85 price has rocketed)
a few interesting Canidates for a 1$/5₪ board.
working on tzvi reflow oven controller
we tried working out
we got stuck with attempting to flash the tinyAudioBoot firemware.
issue was with the retrofitted flipper jig, it doesnt route the 5v to the attiny power rail, but the 3v3 rail did.
took some time to figure that one out.
but still piping audio to through the audio jack to PB4 doesnt work. hmm..?
we had a Surprise Devboard meetup on Monday.
found some inconsistencies with assembly of prior boards (flipped components) sorted and more boards are getting done.
Flipper zero jig
the reflow station moved to a stable home.
we (Aleksander) started the hot-air scavenging process
got all the attiny from previous iffy batches
ready for reprogramming of the bootloader.
astra used the flipper zero to dump the EEPROM/Flash and made a duplicator jiggy
was great, we got the pcb oven reflow profile dialed in, first boards came out nicely!
Tonight we'll scavenge more Attiny85s from old defunct boards and get the process going on our new nixos based dev station!
After Thursday where nothing worked (macmini must die) or got burnt.
This time we will actually test our reflow oven on actual boards. Not just (yummy) sandwiches
come Wednesday, we will continue working on the ATtami, last time we